Package: fasterRaster

fasterRaster: Faster Raster and Spatial Vector Processing Using 'GRASS GIS'

Processing of large-in-memory/large-on disk rasters and spatial vectors using 'GRASS GIS' <>. Most functions in the 'terra' package are recreated. Processing of medium-sized and smaller spatial objects will nearly always be faster using 'terra' or 'sf', but for large-in-memory/large-on-disk objects, 'fasterRaster' may be faster. To use most of the functions, you must have the stand-alone version (not the 'OSGeoW4' installer version) of 'GRASS GIS' 8.0 or higher.

Authors:Adam B. Smith [cre, aut]

fasterRaster.pdf |fasterRaster.html
fasterRaster/json (API)

# Install 'fasterRaster' in R:
install.packages('fasterRaster', repos = c('', ''))

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Pkgdown site:

  • appFunsTable - Functions that can be used in app
  • madCoast0 - Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar
  • madCoast4 - Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of Madagascar
  • madCoverCats - Table of land cover classes for an eastern portion of Madagascar
  • madDypsis - Spatial points vector of records of Dypsis in eastern Madagascar
  • madRivers - Major rivers in a selected portion of Madagascar
  • vegIndices - Table of vegetation indices that can be calculated from remote sensing surface reflectance data using 'vegIndex()'. A near-comprehensive table of indices can be found on the Index Database: A Database for Remote Sensing Indices.



7.53 score 45 stars 8 scripts 365 downloads 233 exports 58 dependencies

Last updated 2 months agofrom:fc34c10ef5. Checks:3 OK, 4 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 17 2025
R-4.5-winOKJan 17 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKJan 17 2025
R-4.4-winNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.4-macNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.3-winNOTEJan 17 2025
R-4.3-macNOTEJan 17 2025



3-dimensional objects

Rendered fromthree_d_objects.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-17
Started: 2024-12-17

fasterRaster addons

Rendered fromaddons.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-03
Started: 2024-12-03

For developers: fasterRaster and GRASS Regions

Rendered fromregions.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-10-15
Started: 2024-09-19

For developers: Hidden fasterRaster functions

Rendered fromhidden_functions.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-16
Started: 2024-09-19

For developers: Locations/projects and mapsets

Rendered fromprojects_mapsets.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-10-15
Started: 2024-09-19

Getting started with fasterRaster

Rendered fromfasterRaster.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-16
Started: 2024-09-23

Making fasterRaster faster

Rendered fromfaster_fasterRaster.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-16
Started: 2024-09-19

Types of GRasters

Rendered fromGRasters.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jan 17 2025.

Last update: 2024-12-09
Started: 2024-09-19

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Subset geometries of a GVector[ [,GRaster,GRaster,ANY-method [,GVector,ANY,ANY-method
Subset layers from a GRaster, or specific columns from a GVector[[ [[,GRaster,ANY,ANY-method [[,GVector,ANY,ANY-method
Replace layers of a GRaster[[<- [[<-,GRaster,ANY-method
Replace values of a GRaster[<- [<-,GRaster,GRaster,ANY-method [<-,GRaster,missing,ANY-method
Subset a GRaster layer, or return values from a column of a GVector's table$ $,GRaster-method $,GVector-method
Replace a raster layer or a column from a vector's data table$<- $<-,GRaster-method $<-,GVector-method
Get or set the column with category labels in a categorical rasteractiveCat activeCat,GRaster-method activeCat<- activeCat<-,GRaster-method activeCats activeCats,GRaster-method
"Stack" a GRasteradd<- add<-,GRaster,GRaster-method
Add rows or columns to the "levels" table of a categorical rasteraddCats addCats,GRaster-method addCats<- addCats<-,GRaster-method
Test if addons directory exists and if an addon is installedaddons
Attach or detach GVector's data tableaddTable<- addTable<-,GVector,data.frame-method addTable<-,GVector,data.table-method addTable<-,GVector,matrix-method dropTable dropTable,GVector-method
Aggregate raster cells into larger cells or combine geometries of a vectoraggregate aggregate,GRaster-method aggregate,GVector-method
Apply a function to a set of rastersapp app,GRaster-method appCheck appCheck,GRaster,character-method appFuns
Functions that can be used in app()appFunsTable
Arithmetic operations on GRastersArith Arith,GRaster,GRaster-method Arith,GRaster,integer-method Arith,GRaster,logical-method Arith,GRaster,numeric-method Arith,GVector,GVector-method Arith,integer,GRaster-method Arith,logical,GRaster-method Arith,numeric,GRaster-method
Contour lines from a "GRaster"as.contour as.contour,GRaster-method
Convert GVector to a data,GVector-method,GVector-method
Coerce raster to integer, float, or double precisionas.doub as.doub,GRaster-method as.float as.float,GRaster-method,GRaster-method
Convert a raster to a lines vectoras.lines as.lines,GRaster-method
Convert a GRaster, or lines or polygons GVector to a points vectoras.points as.points,GRaster-method as.points,GVector-method
Convert a raster to a polygons vectoras.polygons as.polygons,GRaster-method
BIOCLIM rastersbioclims bioclims,GRaster-method bioclims,SpatRaster-method
Fix issues with geometries of a vectorbreakPolys breakPolys,GVector-method fixBridges fixBridges,GVector-method fixDangles fixDangles,GVector-method fixLines fixLines,GVector-method remove0 remove0,GVector-method removeAngles removeAngles,GVector-method removeBridges removeBridges,GVector-method removeDangles removeDangles,GVector-method removeDupCentroids removeDupCentroids,GVector-method removeDups removeDups,GVector-method removeSmallPolys removeSmallPolys,GVector-method snap snap,GVector-method
Increase/decrease the size of a vector or around non-NA cells of a rasterbuffer buffer,GRaster-method buffer,GVector-method st_buffer st_buffer,GVector-method
"Stack" GRastersc c,GRaster-method
Names of columns of the levels table of a categorical rastercatNames catNames,GRaster-method catNames,SpatRaster-method
Area of GRaster cellscellSize cellSize,GRaster-method
Centroid(s) of a vectorcentroids centroids,GVector-method
Classify GRaster cell valuesclassify classify,GRaster-method
Group adjacent cells with similar valuesclump clump,GRaster-method
Identify clusters of pointsclusterPoints clusterPoints,GVector-method
Add columns to the data table of a GVectorcolbind colbind,GVector-method
Combine levels table from multiple categorical GRasterscombineLevels combineLevels,GRaster-method combineLevels,list-method
Compare-methods operations on GRasters and GRegionsCompare,character,GRaster-method Compare,GRaster,character-method Compare,GRaster,GRaster-method Compare,GRaster,integer-method Compare,GRaster,logical-method Compare,GRaster,numeric-method Compare,GRegion,GRegion-method Compare,integer,GRaster-method Compare,logical,GRaster-method Compare,numeric,GRaster-method Compare-methods
Determine if GRasters and/or GVectors are geographically comparablecompareGeom compareGeom,GRaster,GRaster-method compareGeom,GRaster,GVector-method compareGeom,GVector,GRaster-method compareGeom,GVector,GVector-method
Rows of a GRaster or GVector's table that have no NAs or that have NAscomplete.cases complete.cases,GRaster-method complete.cases,GVector-method missing.cases missing.cases,GRaster-method missing.cases,GVector-method
Combine red, green, and blue color bands to make a composite GRastercompositeRGB compositeRGB,GRaster-method
Combine values/categories of multiple GRasters into a single GRasterconcats concats,GRaster-method
Create lines connecting nearest features of two GVectorsconnectors connectors,GVector,GVector-method
Minimum convex hull around a spatial vectorconvHull convHull,GVector-method
Coordinates of a vector"s features or a raster"s cell centerscrds crds,GRaster-method crds,GVector-method st_coordinates
Remove parts of a GRaster or GVectorcrop crop,GRaster-method crop,GVector-method
Coordinate reference system of a GRaster or GVectorcoordRef coordRef,GRaster-method coordRef,GVector-method coordRef,missing-method crs crs,GLocation-method crs,missing-method st_crs st_crs,GLocation-method st_crs,missing-method
Get the datatype of a GRaster or of GVector columnsdatatype datatype,GRaster-method datatype,GVector-method
Delaunay triangulation for pointsdelaunay delaunay,GVector-method
Remove or retain "noise" in a raster using PCAdenoise denoise,GRaster-method noise noise,GRaster-method
Number of rows, columns, depths, cells, and layersdim dim,GRegion-method dim,GVector-method dim3d dim3d,GRegion-method dim3d,missing-method ncell ncell,GRegion-method ncell,missing-method ncell3d ncell3d,GRegion-method ncell3d,missing-method ncol ncol,GRegion-method ncol,GVector-method ncol,missing-method ndepth ndepth,GRegion-method ndepth,missing-method nlyr nlyr,GRaster-method nlyr,missing-method nrow nrow,GRegion-method nrow,GVector-method nrow,missing-method
Coerce as multipart GVector to a singlepart GVectordisagg disagg,GVector-method
Geographic distancedistance distance,GRaster,GVector-method distance,GRaster,missing-method distance,GVector,GVector-method distance,GVector,missing-method
Remove rows from the "levels" table of a categorical rasterdroplevels droplevels,GRaster-method
Remove rows in a data.table, data.frame, or matrix.dropRows dropRows,data.frame-method dropRows,data.table-method dropRows,matrix-method
Select parts of a polygon GVector erase shared by another polygon GVectorerase erase,GVector,GVector-method
Area of polygons or length of linesexpanse expanse,GVector-method
Spatial bounds of a GRaster or GVectorbottom bottom,GSpatial-method E E,GSpatial-method E,missing-method ext ext,GSpatial-method ext,missing-method N N,GSpatial-method N,missing-method S S,GSpatial-method S,missing-method top top,GSpatial-method top,missing-method W W,GSpatial-method W,missing-method zext zext,GSpatial-method zext,missing-method
Add rows and columns around a writeRasterextend extend,GRaster,GSpatial-method extend,GRaster,numeric-method extend,GRaster,sf-method extend,GRaster,SpatExtent-method extend,GRaster,SpatRaster-method extend,GRaster,SpatVector-method
Extract values from a GRaster at locations in a points GVectorextract extract,GRaster,data.frame-method extract,GRaster,data.table-method extract,GRaster,GVector-method extract,GRaster,matrix-method extract,GRaster,numeric-method extract,GVector,data.frame-method extract,GVector,data.table-method extract,GVector,GVector-method extract,GVector,matrix-method extract,GVector,numeric-method
Create a GRaster or GVectorfast fast,character-method fast,data.frame-method fast,data.table-method fast,matrix-method fast,missing-method fast,numeric-method fast,sf-method fast,SpatRaster-method fast,SpatVector-method
Get one of the example rasters or spatial vectorsfastData
Set or get options shared across fasterRaster functionsfaster
Fill holes in a GVectorfillHoles fillHoles,GVector-method
Fill NA cells in a raster using interpolationfillNAs fillNAs,GRaster-method
Identify watershed basins and direction and accumulation of flowflow flow,GRaster-method
Path of water flow across a landscapeflowPath flowPath,GRaster-method
Calculate cell values based on values of nearby cellsfocal focal,GRaster-method
Create fractal rasterfractalRast fractalRast,GRaster-method
Landscape fragmentation class following Riitters et al. (2020)fragmentation fragmentation,GRaster-method fragmentation,SpatRaster-method
Frequencies of cell values in a rasterfreq freq,GRaster-method
Identify terrain feature typesgeomorphons geomorphons,GRaster-method
Geometry of a GVector (points, lines, or polygons)geomtype geomtype,GVector-method is.lines is.lines,GVector-method is.points is.points,GVector-method is.polygons is.polygons,GVector-method
Summary statistics for GRastersglobal global,GRaster-method global,missing-method
Classes for fasterRaster sessions, regions, rasters, and vectorsGLocation GLocation-class GRaster GRaster-class GRegion GRegion-class GSpatial GSpatial-class GVector GVector-class
Start the GRASS GUI (potentially dangerous!)grassGUI grassGUI,missing-method
Open the help page for a GRASS modulegrassHelp
GRASS citation, version, and copyright informationgrassInfo
Has "GRASS" been started or not?grassStarted
Create a grid GVectorgrid grid,GRaster-method grid,GVector-method
Return first or last part of the data frame of a GVectorhead head,GVector-method tail tail,GVector-method
Create a hexagonal gridhexagons hexagons,GRaster-method hexagons,GVector-method
Hillshadinghillshade hillshade,GRaster-method
Plot a histogram of raster valueshist hist,GRaster-method
Horizon heighthorizonHeight horizonHeight,GRaster-method
GRaster with values equal to row, column, coordinate, regular, or "chess"init init,GRaster-method
Interpolate values at points to a GRaster using inverse-distance weightinginterpIDW interpIDW,GVector,GRaster-method
Interpolate values at points to a GRaster using splinesinterpSplines interpSplines,GVector,GRaster-method
Intersection of two GVectorsintersect intersect,GVector,GVector-method
Test if a GRaster or GVector is 2- or 3-dimensionalis.2d is.2d,GSpatial-method is.3d is.3d,GSpatial-method
Data type of a rasteris.cell is.cell,GRaster-method is.doub is.doub,GRaster-method is.factor is.factor,GRaster-method is.float is.float,GRaster-method,GRaster-method
Test if a coordinate reference system is unprojectedis.lonlat is.lonlat,character-method is.lonlat,GLocation-method is.lonlat,sf-method
Mathematical operations on each layer of a GRastersabs abs,GRaster-method acos acos,GRaster-method asin asin,GRaster-method atan atan,GRaster-method atan2 atan2,GRaster,GRaster-method ceiling ceiling,GRaster-method cos cos,GRaster-method exp exp,GRaster-method floor floor,GRaster-method,GRaster-method ln ln,GRaster-method log log,GRaster-method log10 log10,GRaster-method log10p log10p,GRaster-method log1p log1p,GRaster-method log2 log2,GRaster-method,GRaster-method round round,GRaster-method sin sin,GRaster-method sqrt sqrt,GRaster-method tan tan,GRaster-method trunc trunc,GRaster-method
Kernel density estimator of pointskernel kernel,GVector-method
Correlation between GRasterslayerCor layerCor,GRaster-method
Set and get categories for categorical rasterscategories categories,GRaster-method cats cats,GRaster-method levels levels,GRaster-method levels<- levels<-,GRaster,data.frame-method levels<-,GRaster,data.table-method levels<-,GRaster,GRaster-method levels<-,GRaster,list-method
Logic-methods operations on GRastersLogic,GRaster,GRaster-method Logic,GRaster,integer-method Logic,GRaster,logical-method Logic,GRaster,numeric-method Logic,integer,GRaster-method Logic,logical,GRaster-method Logic,numeric,GRaster-method Logic-methods
Create longitude/latitude rasterslonglat longlat,GRaster-method
Rasters of bioclimatic variables for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadChelsa
Shapefile of a portion of the coastline of MadagascarmadCoast
Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of MadagascarmadCoast0
Spatial vector of a portion of the coastline of MadagascarmadCoast4
Raster of land cover for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadCover
Table of land cover classes for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadCoverCats
Spatial points vector of records of Dypsis in eastern MadagascarmadDypsis
Elevation raster for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadElev
Forest cover in year 2000 for a portion of MadagascarmadForest2000
Forest cover in year 2014 for a portion of MadagascarmadForest2014
Rasters of surface reflectance for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadLANDSAT
Rasters of average monthly precipitation for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadPpt
Major rivers in a selected portion of MadagascarmadRivers
Rasters of average monthly maximum temperature for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadTmax
Rasters of average monthly minimum temperature for an eastern portion of MadagascarmadTmin
Mask values in a rastermask mask,GRaster,GRaster-method mask,GRaster,GVector-method
Mask all non-NA cells or all NA cellsmaskNA maskNA,GRaster-method
Find which cells of a GRaster match certain values%in% %in%,GRaster-method %notin% %notin%,GRaster-method match match,GRaster-method
Mathematical operations on two or more GRastersallNA allNA,GRaster-method anyNA anyNA,GRaster-method count count,GRaster-method kurtosis kurtosis,GRaster-method max max,GRaster-method mean mean,GRaster-method median median,GRaster-method min min,GRaster-method mmode mmode,GRaster-method nunique nunique,GRaster-method quantile quantile,GRaster-method range range,GRaster-method sdpop sdpop,numeric-method skewness skewness,GRaster-method stdev stdev,GRaster-method sum sum,GRaster-method var var,GRaster-method varpop varpop,GRaster-method varpop,numeric-method which.max which.max,GRaster-method which.min which.min,GRaster-method
Combine two or more rasters with different extents and fill in NAsmerge merge,GRaster,GRaster-method
Minimum and maximum values or categories of a GRasterminmax minmax,GRaster-method
Values in a categorical raster with no assigned categorymissingCats missingCats,GRaster-method
Remove rasters and vectors from the GRASS cachemow
Number of NA or non-NA cells in a rasternacell nacell,GRaster-method nonnacell nonnacell,GRaster-method
Name(s) of a GRaster or columns of a GVector's data tablenames names,GRaster-method names,GVector-method names<- names<-,GRaster-method names<-,GVector-method
Number of geometries and subgeometries in a vectorngeom ngeom,GVector-method nsubgeom nsubgeom,GVector-method
Number of categories in a categorical rasternlevels nlevels,GRaster-method
Scatterplot of values in each GRaster layer against the otherspairs pairs,GRaster-method
Retrieve a principal components model from a PCA GRasterpcs
Display a raster or vectorplot plot,GRaster,missing-method plot,GVector,missing-method
Create red-green-blue plot from a raster with RGB layersplotRGB plotRGB,GRaster-method
Make predictions from a linear or generalized linear model to a GRasterpredict predict,GRaster-method
Apply a principal component analysis (PCA) to layers of a GRasterprincomp princomp,GRaster-method
Change the coordinate reference system of a GRaster or GVectorproject project,GRaster-method project,GVector-method
Convert a GRaster to a SpatRasterrast rast,GRaster-method
Convert a GVector to a GRasterrasterize rasterize,GVector,GRaster-method
Combine one or more GVectorsrbind rbind,GVector-method
Regression intercept, slope, r2, and t-value across each set of cellsregress regress,GRaster,missing-method
Convert degrees between 'north-orientation' and 'east orientation'reorient reorient,GRaster-method reorient,numeric-method
Replace NAs in a data.table or data.frame column, or in a vectorreplaceNAs replaceNAs,character-method replaceNAs,data.frame-method replaceNAs,data.table-method replaceNAs,integer-method replaceNAs,logical-method replaceNAs,matrix-method replaceNAs,numeric-method
Spatial resolutionres res,GRegion-method res,missing-method res3d res3d,GRegion-method res3d,missing-method xres xres,GRegion-method xres,missing-method yres yres,GRegion-method yres,missing-method zres zres,GRegion-method zres,missing-method
Change the cell size of a GRasterresample resample,GRaster,GRaster-method resample,GRaster,numeric-method
Create a raster with random values drawn from a normal distributionrnormRast rnormRast,GRaster-method
Create a random raster with or without spatial dependencerSpatialDepRast rSpatialDepRast,GRaster-method
Terrain ruggedness indexruggedness ruggedness,GRaster-method
Create a raster with random values drawn from a uniform distributionrunifRast runifRast,GRaster-method
Create a randomly-positioned tesselationrvoronoi rvoronoi,GRaster-method rvoronoi,GVector-method
Randomly sample cells from a GRastersampleRast sampleRast,GRaster-method
Center and scale a GRaster, or the oppositescale scale,GRaster-method scalepop scalepop,GRaster-method unscale unscale,GRaster-method
Create one GRaster layer per unique value in a GRastersegregate segregate,GRaster-method
Select values from rasters in a stack based on values in another rasterselectRange selectRange,GRaster-method
Format a numeric series into an SQL value callseqToSQL
Simplify the geometry of a vectorsimplifyGeom simplifyGeom,GVector-method
Sine wave rasterssineRast sineRast,GRaster-method
Smooth the geometry of a vectorsmoothGeom smoothGeom,GVector-method
Name of a raster or vector in a GRASS sessionsources sources,character-method sources,GRaster-method sources,GVector-method
Sample random points from a GRaster or GVectorspatSample spatSample,GRaster-method spatSample,GVector-method
Create stream networkstreams streams,GRaster-method
Rescale values in a GRasterstretch stretch,GRaster-method
Subset layers from a GRaster, or specific rows from a GVectorsubset subset,GRaster-method subset,GVector-method
Replace a specific value(s) in a GRastersubst subst,GRaster-method
Solar radiance and irradiancesun
Slope, aspect, curvature, and partial slopesterrain terrain,GRaster-method
Reduce linear features on a raster so linear features are 1 cell widethinLines thinLines,GRaster-method
Reduce number of points in same raster cellthinPoints thinPoints,GVector,GRaster-method
Divide a GRaster into spatially exclusive subsetstiles tiles,GRaster-method
Topology (2- or 3-dimensions) of a GRaster or GVectortopology topology,GSpatial-method
Remove rows and columns from a raster that are all NAtrim trim,GRaster-method
Combine two GVectorsunion union,GVector,GVector-method
Refresh metadata in a GRaster or GVectorupdate update,GRaster-method update,GVector-method
Convert a GVector to a SpatVector or sf vectorst_as_sf st_as_sf,GVector-method vect vect,GVector-method
Vegetation indices from surface reflectancevegIndex vegIndex,GRaster-method
Table of vegetation indices that can be calculated from remote sensing surface reflectance data using 'vegIndex()'. A near-comprehensive table of indices can be found on the Index Database: A Database for Remote Sensing Indices.vegIndices
Voronoi tessellationvoronoi voronoi,GVector-method
Topographic wetness indexwetness wetness,GRaster-method
Save a GRaster to diskwriteRaster writeRaster,GRaster,character-method writeRaster,missing,missing-method
Save a GVector to diskwriteVector writeVector,GVector,character-method writeVector,missing,missing-method
Select parts of polygons not shared between two GVectorsxor xor,GVector,GVector-method
Statistics on cells of a GRaster stratified by cells of another rasterzonal zonal,GRaster,ANY-method
Geographic statistics for sets of cells with the same valueszonalGeog zonalGeog,GRaster-method